SD Card Case

SD cards aren’t something I have a ton of, but the very few I have constantly get lost, so I decided to make a case. Most cases out there make it difficult to pull out the card, take up a lot of room, or just don’t look sturdy. I decided to reuse ideas from the EarPods case to make this one. Like before, it’s a simple two part case with a paperclip for the hinge and magnets to keep it shut. I made two versions; one where the sd card slots in horizontally and the other vertically. They both work great so pick your favorite.

Follow the earpods case for assembly instructions, except this one requires four of the 5 mm diameter 1 mm thick magnets. If you are worried about magnets wiping data, don’t fret. That only applies to hard drives since magnets can disrupt it while spinning. Unless you have a super magnet, you wouldn’t be able to wipe an sd card. But if that were the case, you would have bigger problems to worry about...